Interface ApplicationStatePersistenceStrategy

    • Method Detail

      • get

        <T> T get(Class<T> ssoClass,
                  ApplicationStateCreator<T> creator)
        Gets the SSO from the domain. If the SSO does not already exist, it is created and stored, then returned.
      • set

        <T> void set(Class<T> ssoClass,
                     T sso)
        Stores a new SSO, possibly replacing the existing one.
        Type Parameters:
        T -
        ssoClass -
        sso - instance to store, or null to delete existing
      • exists

        <T> boolean exists(Class<T> ssoClass)
        Returns true if the SSO already exists, false if null.
      • getIfExists

        default <T> T getIfExists(Class<T> ssoClass)
        Returns the SSO if it exists or null.